Listen to These Five Podcasts

Yes, I've been on the podcast bandwagon since around 2006 when I needed something to pass the time at my boring library shelving job. So now, almost ten years later, I have a couple of suggestions for podcasts you might like to listen to. I've been listening to most of these almost as long as they've been around and my week just feels a little bit strange if I haven't heard them. I know a lot of people listen to podcasts to learn things or hear stories of the world or get in depth about their favorite actor, tv show or movie; these podcasts are all (or mostly) about being funny because that's what I like to listen to. Don't get me wrong, I do partake in the occasional This American Life, Radiolab, Serial, or How Stuff Works, but these five are my own personal standbys.

1. Never Not Funny. Before there was Maron, before every comedian ever had there own podcast, before podcast was a word most people understood, there was Jimmy Pardo and Matt Belknap and this podcast. Ostensibly it is an interview show, but in reality it is so much more. It's like listening to a normal everyday conversation about Jimmy Pardo and the guest's lives only it is much funnier than that. There are running bits about Jimmy's particular music taste (think Chicago, Kiss and Rent), his constant real and imagined illnesses, the groups celebrity sightings and willingness to gamble in any type of guessing game and so much else because it's been on since 2006. The guests are great too; ranging from Jimmy's comedian friends to his comedy idols to Jon Hamm (a personal fav-- congrats on the Emmy!). And there's even a little bit of philanthropy as they host the annual Pardcast-A-Thon and marathon recording with a cavalcade of guests all to raise money for SmileTrain. If you want to try one there episodes listen to this Jon Hamm Episode. Most of there old seasons are pay to download, but the most recent ones are available on Earwolf. 

2. Jordan, Jesse, Go! Another long-running comedy podcast this time hosted by Jordan Morris, a writer on @midnight, and Jesse Thorn, public radio host and benevolent leader of the Maximum Fun Network. This one started in 2007, as a spin-off from their college radio show. There's no one thing in particular that I love about this show, it's more the combination of everything, the humor, the obvious friendship between the two hosts, the weird stories they share about their lives in Los Angeles, their interview prowess with their fabulous guests. After listening to them for so many years, it just feels like they are friends I am catching up with just a little bit each week. I know I don't actually know them, but I feel like if I did actually meet them in person, we would be fast friends. Listen to Episode 387, a recent episode that I found reallllly fun. There's something hilarious about Denny's and kid-lawyering! 

3. The Indoor Kids. This one is hosted by Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon. It's about video games and a little bit about tv and movies, but mostly about their comedy, actor and other friends who play and watch those things. And yes, the name of the podcast refers to the line in Wet Hot American Summer. You'll probably recognize Kumail as a stand-up or an actor in the occasional movie or show or as a fan of the X-Files and Emily as an accomplished producer and author, and them both together as a lovely married couple. Like NNF and JJGO, they have a relaxed and humorous interview style with their guests and always make me feel like they actually care and are excited about everything they are discussing. Try Episode 179 with Thomas Middleditch an Martin Starr to get a taste!

4. How Did This Get Made. This is a bad movie podcast hosted by Paul Sheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas, a dynamic trio of movie-critiquing hilarity. I love this podcast because they ask the hard questions about ridiculous movies, have the best and craziest theories to explain the nonsense they watch, and have the most over-the-top reactions to the craziness that is thrown at them on screen. I also like that sometimes the podcast is in studio, but they also do it in front of a live audience at Largo in LA. The audience adds to the silliness of the whole situation. Try listening to their episode about Sharknado to see what I'm talking about.

5. Stop Podcasting Yourself. Another great podcast this time hosted by Vancouverites, Dave Shumka and Graham Clark. This podcast has all the same things that I love about the other podcasts I mentioned, the silly humor of the hosts and guests, the relaxed non-interview style, the actual friendship between the hosts, but it has  the added benefit of Canadian charm. And what's a week without listening to their Overheards segment. People really do say the weirdest stuff. I appreciate this podcast because it has introduced me to great Canadian comedians who I would have never found without SPY. They also brought me some of my favorite interviews with comics I knew. Definitely check out this Paul F. Tompkins episode (there are more PFT ones!) if you want to see what I mean.

Five great podcasts. Definitely check them out. And come back on Wednesday when I hope to have a new recipe post up. Fingers crossed. Follow me on social media to see when that's posted. Thanks for reading!  



The Five on Fridays: Week 4

The Five on Fridays: Week 4