Trying to Make Jewelry

Trying to Make Jewelry

I think I’m generally known to be crafty and pretty good at DIY. Future posts I’m sure will prove this point. This post, however, may not. Why? Because I took on the delicate task of: 


With mixed results. Read on to find out more.

You might ask:

“Daphne, if you are good at doing certain crafts, why did you try something that you have no idea how to do?”

Well, Intrepid Blog Reader, I think you should know that this blog is all about stepping outside my comfort zone, challenging myself and trying new things. That is why I took on Jewelry Design and Construction. That and because I came across a website called and it put ideas into my head.

The Challenge

I wanted to experiment with beaded jewelry. It seemed like a simple enough task. I mean I wasn’t soldering pieces together. (Is that actually even something you do with jewelry?) Or melting silver to form rings or shaping and polishing diamonds. The task I set myself was to buy a bunch of supplies and try to make something beautiful. So I went to A.C. Moore, spent way too much, and set about to make this happen.

The Results

The results were decidedly mixed in my opinion. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I was really rather good at designing the pieces themselves. My color combos were cool and original, but completely wearable. I think most of what I made I will wear. So I guess that is success in and of itself. And that is the task I set myself.

But the question I ask is: “Would other people wear and buy it?” Not that I want to become a jewelry maker, but what if I wanted to make gifts for friends or start and eclectic Etsy shop that sold a little bit of everything.

My answer is Yes I think others would want it given that I satisfy two pre-requisites: 1) I choose the right beads in the store. I was a little overwhelmed when I was there because there were just sooooo many. I did get some beauts, but also some duds. 2) I need to learn how to deal with the clasp part better. It’s very fiddly and mine look a little amateurish…. To say the least.

But without further ado I present the DaphneHasFun Jewelry Collection – Summer 2014. 

Visiting Cape Ann

Visiting Cape Ann

Experimenting in the Kitchen: Sourdough Edition

Experimenting in the Kitchen: Sourdough Edition