A Life Worth Living | Part 2 in a Series

A Life Worth Living | Part 2 in a Series

A Life Worth Living. That's my goal. But what does that mean to me? It's hard to explain, to put into words, so instead of a cohesive narrative I think this post is just going to be a more of a list.

  • Doing my best
  • Being persistent
  • Having goals, dreams, ambitions, but making them attainable.
  • Not dwelling on the what-ifs and regrets, but instead looking toward the possibilities
  • Not comparing my life to that of others
  • Making a difference in any way that I can
  • Visiting new places, beautiful places, exotic places
  • Meeting people who are momentary compatriots and lifelong chums
  • Finding and doing the things that make me feel worthwhile
  • Being sad, but knowing how to be happy again
  • Enjoying the little things
  • It's ok to sleep in, but not all the time
  • Not wasting my innate gifts
  • Not stopping just because its hard
  • It's ok to like the things you like
  • Saving the memories
  • Doing what I love and forging my own place
  • Accepting help
  • Living my life

Does that make things more clear? If not, then think of it this way. You don't have to discover the Theory of Relativity, be the first person on the Moon, conquer a vast empire, or make some other huge contribution to humanity to live a life worth living. You just need to find happiness, contentment, joy, satisfaction, some sort of worth in whatever it is you do choose to do. Or at least that's how I choose to define a life worth living. You could have your own ideas and think mine are bonkers. That works too. 

And that concludes the ramble-fest for today. I hope you liked it!

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What is Green? | A Life Worth Living: Part 3

What is Green? | A Life Worth Living: Part 3

January Music Playlist

January Music Playlist