June 2014 Playlist

June 2014 Playlist

For a long time, I was very self-conscious of my music choices and wondered what others might think about them and consequently me. I shied away from anything that was popular and basically only listened to rare b-sides that no one had heard of. Maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit, but I definitely thought a lot about maintaining my music aficionado cred. I think like most teenagers and young people, I was trying to assert my individuality in a world that often tries to number and categorize us.

Having grown up a bit since then, I’m glad to say with the maturity of being in my late 20s, I have become more self-confident, self-possessed, and self-assured. I know I don’t know everything and I don’t try to pretend that I do. And doing, thinking, and experiencing what I think is fun is much more important than what I think other people consider is fun. Happiness and fulfillment is key.

Does this mean my life is perfect and everyday is non-stop excitement and fun? Of course not! But I do listen to One Direction and Katy Perry whenever I want and now I even don’t care if people judge me for watching the Kardashians or Real Housewives.

With all of that as a preamble, I want to share with you my music playlist for June 2014. These are all the songs I’ve been enjoying this month. Some are old, some are new. Some are huge pop hits, some are songs you’ve never heard of. Some will make you want to dance. Some will make you want to cry. All speak to me in some small way and I hope you will find enjoyment in them too.

So put on your headphones and crank up the volume, take a listen and seriously just have some fun! (Seriously!)

Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake

Visiting Cape Ann

Visiting Cape Ann