The October Challenge

The October Challenge

Welcome to October, you beautiful people! It's the calm before the storm! When a little bit of chill is a refreshing change from the summer heat, and has not yet become the depressing bitterness of winter. A time of excitement and adventure when everything seems possible. But I digress from my Welcome.

Yes, welcome to October! Let's start the month by announcing the October Challenge. This is a new feature here at Daphne Has Fun Central, but not really a new idea to me. I've done little challenges for myself over the years. The most exciting being the time I didn't eat refined sugar for just about 4 months. I'm very proud of that achievement and decided I wanted to officially take on new challenges each month. These challenges will be a structured way of enriching my life in some manner. A month also seems like a good amount of time to work with. My vague recollection of stories and research I've heard tells me that it just long enough to for challenges that try to help me form a new habit or learn something new. It also seems like a very doable amount of time to give something up, like the sugar experiments of 2013. All in all I'm just excited to get started.

Ostensibly, the unspoken challenge for September was to whip this blog into shape. And I think that I was successful in that. I have a schedule and ideas and I've been posting regularly. This month, however, is a little different. I've decided that I am going to focus on reading more. I've realized that reading (except of internet nonsense) has not been a priority for me and I rarely pick up a book for pleasure. Instead of setting an arbitrary metric of success, like "I will read 4 books in October," I'm going to focus on reviving that moniker of "avid reader" and from that figure out how many books that entails, just to report back here as an objective measurement of what I have done in October. 

I'm excited to say I've already embarked on this challenge as I'm already halfway through Gone Girl. It's going well, but I REALLY want to know what the twist is and am therefore itching to find spoilers on the internets.... KEEP STRONG AND AVOID SPOILERS! I tell myself it will be worth it. (It better be Gillian Flynn!)

Alright, Challenge Accepted! Books I've been meaning to read are in a figurative pile in my iPad and a literal pile on my bedside table. Wish me luck, follow my progress on Twitter, and look forward to the results at the end of the month.


Social media what-nots:

October Recipes: Falling for Flavor

October Recipes: Falling for Flavor

Summer Round-up: Best Albums

Summer Round-up: Best Albums