The November Challenge

The November Challenge

I admit that I was mildly successful in October's Challenge, mainly I think due to my obsession with creating my first YouTube video. This month I'm going to use that obsession to feed into my new challenge. I love making YouTube videos; at least I loved making that one YouTube video. I also think that these challenges shouldn't just be fun. I want them to be exactly what their name says, A Challenge. So I am challenging myself to make at least one video this month that deals with one of the issues I want to address to improve my life. 

Like everyone in the world I have problems that I work on and try to find opportunities to improve my health, spirit, situation, how I am seen or even how interact with the world. One of my major issues, I'm not afraid to admit, is my relationship with food. I feel like recently I've been increasingly better about what I eat. In service of this blog and because I'm still "funemployed", I cook a healthy balanced meal almost every night. I've cut way down on the unhealthy stuff and fast food. I'm limiting the sweets and sugars to those that I bake for the blog. And I guess I'm feeling better about my relationship with food. But it's an ongoing process and I definitely still see room for improvement. The next thing I want to focus on is eating more mindfully. I may be eating more healthily in general, but I still need to work on eating at normal times and not just snacking randomly on empty calories.

This is where the Challenge comes in. As I said before I want to make a video that helps me be a better version of myself. I think this video will document my meals (big or small, night or day) over the course of one or two weeks. This will keep me mindful of what I am eating because I will be filming short clips of everything. I'll also spend more time considering WHAT I'm eating because I'll be sharing it. I like to impress, so hopefully it will be cool and interesting foods that will work well in a video. 

So that's the Challenge. Let's see how it goes...

UPDATE: Here's the video

If you have any advice on how to meet this Challenge head-on get in touch in the comments or via social media! Thanks for reading!

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