The August 2015 Music Playlist

The August 2015 Music Playlist

Another day, another post talking about the end of summer. It's bittersweet. I love summer, but I love progress and change and plans and all that kind of stuff. This post, however, is not about that stuff; it is about the music I discovered this August. It's a short list this month. Well, actually 16 tracks isn't too short, but most of those are from the past few days. Last week I realized that I hadn't been listening to too many songs, so I started scouring a few of my favorite sources and bulked out the playlist. With quality tunes, be assured.

Onward to a few of my most favorite in August.

  1. One Direction - Drag Me Down. This song is one of the reasons my search for new music wasn't too urgent. I was listening to this on repeat. And yes, I am talking about a One Direction song here. I like some very commercial pop music and I'm not bothered by that. I like what I like. So enough defending myself. I like this song because of the chorus-- it builds that drops. It's not super dramatic, but is soooo catchy. I am indeed a fan of a catchy tune. 
  2. Carly Rae Jepsen - When I Needed You. Yup another pop creation, this time from the person that brought us one of my fav pop songs-- Call Me Maybe. I don't love this the way I love her previous hit, but that is a near impossible feat, so I don't blame her. The new song has a nostalgic 80s twinge to it and is just very fun to listen to. And the lyrics are kind of tricky. You think she's going one way and then she powers the other way. Cool.
  3. The Neighbourhood - R.I.P. 2 My Youth. I was so surprised when this song got into it. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT BROUGHT US SWEATER WEATHER. This song is so much more R&B influenced that it almost sounds like a different band. Then I listened to them one-after-the-other and I got it. And I love that they have such range. On repeat listening this song even has a lo-fi spooky quality that makes me want to keep it on repeat forever.
  4. Grace Mitchell - NoLo. I just liked this song from the first note. It is infectiously upbeat and seemed like the perfect end of summer tune. Grace Mitchell, I discovered, is a teenager from Portland and her music belies her age. The tone of her voice is just so unusual and interesting. She does a weirdly amazing trill at the end of some of the verses; it's so good. I'm hooked and want to inhale her music. 
  5. The Royal Concept - Smile. Those Swedish boys who produced my favorite song from last year are back with new music. They sound a little bit more rock-y, but still have that "collaborative" vocal sound that makes them so interesting. Still very sing-song-y, but not quite as catchy as On Our Way, but few things are. 

So that's August's music. Let's see what September has in store.

As always, you can find me on social media to see when I'm posting content.

Summer 2015 Photo Album

Summer 2015 Photo Album

Breweries of Maine

Breweries of Maine