The July 2015 Playlist

The July 2015 Playlist

Oh, God! It’s actually August 8th to be exact. And I haven’t been diligent with my blogging or videos. Mostly because I was on vacation with spotty to poor internet and next to no cell signal. So, I’m playing catch up in a big, big way. First things first is my July Playlist. All the songs that kept me bopping along last month. 

Particular favorites include: Pretty Pimpin by Kurt Vile because I love the tone in his voice. Young Hearts by Strange Talk because I love the lyrics and how the song builds to the chorus. And 4th of July by The Dig because, you know, the holiday and all that.

Some random older songs on the list just because I remembered them and threw them in list to get them into the rotation. No big deal.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter,InstagramYouTube and here on tumblr to check out what I’m doing and what I’m gibbering on about!

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