60 Thoughts about Thor

60 Thoughts about Thor

I remember loving every minute of Thor. I haven't seen it for a few years now. Let's see if I STILL love it as much. 

  1. So much science!

  2. I think you hit something.

  3. What makes Thor amazing is that it combines superhero fun with ancient legends. Two things that are just so beloved to me.

  4. It’s just such a spectacularly beautiful movie too.

  5. So many lessons in this movie.

  6. Ah the movie where the world met Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. Our lives were forever changed.

  7. I forgot how much of a jerk Thor is at the beginning of this movie. No wonder Odin takes away Mjolnir.

  8. Oh Loki, you are always playing games.

  9. Great music in this one too.

  10. Yup Idris Elba knows what’s what.

  11. No his silver tongue did not turn to lead. You are all falling into his trap.

  12. The Tension is Real. The Fight Scenes are so good.

  13. Loki please don’t go crazy and betray everyone because you a secret frost giant.

  14. That monster thing defies gravity.

  15. It’s really quite a shame that you killed that creature, Thor.

  16. Yeah, that was definitely a terrible idea.

  17. The emotions are certainly more heavy than I remember.

  18. Oh yeah, I forgot that this movie was just filled to the brim with jokes. The infusion of humour is pretty great.

  19. He’s definitely strong even without his power.

  20. Did they dye his eyebrows?

  21. Somebody did a terrible job of securing those restraints.

  22. I actually LOL’d when Natalie Portman hit Thor again.

  23. Well New Mexico doesn’t have a professional football team. They’ve got to find something to tailgate for.

  24. oh yeah this scene. Ladies, amiright.

  25. Donald Blake, MD. Will we ever see you again?

  26. Loki’s having deep thoughts.

  27. Loki is right, guys.

  28. I might name my new puppy Lady Sif

  29. Is that an Infinity Stone? I don’t think so. Maybe it is?

  30. Tom Hiddleston is just so great. The emotions, you feel them with him.

  31. The diner scene is one of my favorites in this movie. Thor is just so damned charming.

  32. Coulson, why?????

  33. Erik are you talking about Bruce Banner? Gamma Radiation!

  34. There was a tiny note of apprehension in the music when Loki said he was king. Maybe if everyone didn’t assume he was going to be terrible, then maybe he would be a good king. So far everything he has done is for the best.

  35. I want that Norse Myth book.

  36. SHIELD is fast at setting up a facility. Although the walls are made of plastic wrap


  38. The first appearance of Hawkeye. Gotta love that dry wit.

  39. Some good old fashioned mud wrassling.

  40. You think this is going to be the moment. But this is not the moment. sorry Thor. You gotta get more humble. The disbelief, heartbreak and despair is too much.

  41. Hawkeye, do you even shoot, bro?

  42. The Paul Blart effect.

  43. Now this is when the other shoe has dropped for Loki. When he makes the decision to betray his family. Why Loki, why? Why couldn’t you choose the better path? You wouldn’t be so tragic then would you?

  44. Nope you are so not worthy right now, Loki.

  45. They know the story is fake. WHY DID COULSON LET HIM GO?

  46. Boilermakers. Always a bad idea.

  47. Natalie Portman, so awks

  48. Aw, I want to sleep under the stars by a fire.

  49. Why is all of this happening in New Mexico?

  50. Thor the Domestic God

  51. It’s just cosplay kids.

  52. This is the best reunion scene EVER.

  53. The look on that guy’s face was no don’t destroy the liquor store!

  54. I couldn’t even breathe during that climactic battle scene on Earth. Let’s see what happens on Asgard.

  55. Loki, you are always playing such evil games.

  56. Well that’s another climactic scene of wonderment.

  57. It does seem a little bit much that Thor changed so much in a matter of days. But that’s what it means to be a hero, right?

  58. Oh shit. I forgot Kenneth Branaugh directed that. Crazy, right?

  59. Stinger: Ah the Tesseract returns! But Loki isn’t in his head. I guess they made some changes when they wrote the Avengers.

  60. Yes, I loved it just as much.

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