66 Thoughts About Guardians of The Galaxy

66 Thoughts About Guardians of The Galaxy

Oh, we've made it to the final film in the Marvel Movie Marathon. And it's a good one. This might be the last in the "Thoughts About" series, but stay tuned to my Marathon Wrap-Up and some sort of review of Avengers: Age of Ultron. 

  1. Number 1-- the soundtrack to this movie is fantabulous. I must find out whether it is from the comics or from the music supervisor of this movie.
  2. Yeah, I totally cried the first time I saw this. My tearing up again.
  3. Was he an angel composed out of pure light. It’s possible with the MCU.
  4. I love the Marvel opening every time I see it.
  5. The credits are different in this one. They are over actual story progression.
  6. I never understood this part. Is that computer recreating the distant past? HOW?
  7. I am not ok with Peter Quill’s animal abuse. Even if he is funny and dancing.
  8. I have to admit that this song was a complete surprise when I originally saw this. Probably shouldn’t have been based on the trailer.
  9. He may be ridiculous and mistake-prone, but he still has skills. Matrix moves all over the place.
  10. She is wearing the shirt he had on as a little kid. That shirt has stood the test of time.
  11. I really want to know more about the Kree. They’ve come up on Agents o f S.H.I.E.L.D., but I haven’t learned nearly enough. Another comic series I should read. So many during this marathon.
  12. WAIT, what are the creatures crystal-balling on those giant floating orbs.
  13. Daughters of Thanos. When do we get to have the actual Thanos storyline?????
  14. So Rocket and Groot are tiny bit like Han and Chewie, right?
  15. Rocket or Groot. Who is my favorite? Hard to say.
  16. He has the most eyebrows in the business.
  17. I really like that this movie can just hit the ground running and we don’t need tons of back story to understand what’s happening.
  18. What a great office! A garden with trees INSIDE.
  19. I passed the mug-shot screens. Notable findings. They use Grets to measure weight. Microbules to measure length. Gamora is the last survivor of the Zehoberei People. Rocket is from Halfworld and has another associate Lylla and he bites. Groot’s origin is unknown and has an associate known as Tibius Lark. Peter Quill’s alias in the computer is “Space-Lord” (lolz), has translator implants in his neck and has 1 count of illegal manipulation of Gramosian Duchess on his record. What the what???
  20. Peter is just messed up.
  21. One of those tragic little moment is seeing Rocket’s implants. I think the only way I get through it is that Hooked on Feelin’ is playing during the scene.
  22. Why is everyone so humanoid?
  23. I do love the fact that Rocket’s fur gets messed up and Groot sprouts branches while they are sleeping.
  24. I think that most of the Marvel movies are successful because of great casting and good dialogue, even though the stories themselves are very simple.
  25. The Prison Escape Sequence is one of two favorites in this movie. It’s just so unusual because there’s no sneakiness and so many surprises. It is also shot very well. Can you guess what my other one is? It’s super obvs.
  26. What did I say? The casting is perfect. They banter so well.
  27. Rocket is a tiny genius and that brings me so much joy.
  28. I don’t think you should make so much noise and growling when you are attacking someone. They know you’re coming.
  29. Necrocraft-- nothing that has a name like that is a good thing.
  30. It’s that GIRL!
  31. Tivan owns the whole place. I never caught that before.
  32. I bet Groot would be able to wield the Mjolnir. He seems very worthy. This is something I’m going to puzzle about for a long while.
  33. Why would you risk your life for this? The bigger question is how do you find AA batteries for it? OR how did that tape not unravel?? OR how did you keep your headphones for breaking?
  34. Ok basically EVERYONE in space is SUPER LITERAL.
  35. Poor Rocket. I so have the feels for you.
  36. I wish I could spend all day in that Collection.
  37. There is a certain amount of character under-development. The Collector, Nebula, Korath. Even Ronan a bit. I want more!
  39. I am even madder that Drax drunk dialed Ronan.
  40. Seriously, how did Nebula know that Gamora was escaping?
  41. Out of a lot of messed up people in the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nebula is perhaps the most messed up. That’s why I wish that she had more to do
  42. Totally shot in water. Beautifully shot in water.
  43. Groot is a doctor now. Is there anything he can’t do?
  44. The whole third act of this movie depends on a drunk dial. So hilarious.
  45. Why is there grass in an ancient creature’s head?
  46. Ronan sounds like a petulant child. For some reason, even with an Infinity Stone, he is no threat to Thanos.
  47. Planning Montage-- these are one the best parts of any movie. If I were to make a movie, I would add a planning montage. For Sure.
  48. That eye is some pretty good cg.
  49. Glenn Close’s hairstyle. I need to figure out how to recreate that.
  50. It’s those weird monster crystal-baller lounger creatures AGAIN. And they don’t some to have faces…
  51. Actually, very few of the minions have faces. Ew.
  52. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons I love this movie is because it’s reminiscent of the movies of my youth. Space battles from Star Wars and Star Trek. Magical nature things from Fern Gully. The Epicness from The Neverending Story. <sigh> The memories.
  53. Oh no, I forgot they do have faces. Terrible, horrible, disgusting faces.
  54. I’m so glad that that arrow really awesomely took them out.
  55. Another instance of someone with perfect timing in these movies.
  56. So yes, you may have guessed it. This scene, the WE ARE GROOT scene combined with the We’re the Guardians of the Galaxy” is my other favorite sequence in this movie. Everyone gets to be heroic and sometimes humorous. It just makes me beyond happy.
  57. Also, I thought that the city was evacuated.
  58. A dance-off to save the world.
  59. The slow motion is so epic and so key. And the way it exploding into the gem whirlpool. It is reminiscent of the interactions with the Infinity Stones, but completely it’s own thing. It’s so well designed.
  60. I like to think that all the people destroyed by the Infinity Stones are not destroyed, but are somewhere else. WHAT IF? Such a cool idea, in my opinion. Do it Marvel.
  61. WHO IS HIS DAD????????????????????? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!
  62. What is this ancient thing? I’ve never been more inquisitive! Guardians 2????
  63. DANCING BABY GROOT! Still sweeping the lands with it’s awesomeness. The single best part of this movies. And this is a great movie.
  64. Raccoon Reference provided by Oreo and Friends. Why didn’t Oreo’s friends get proper billing? #NotCool
  65. STINGER: Howard the Duck. Good not great. I always like to have a little piece to the puzzle that is the MCU.
  66. Sidenote: My dad showed me Howard the Duck when I was a little, little kid. Mom still complains about how inappropriate it was to show me a movie that suggested interspecies sex. many lolz.

Check out the other things I wrote about the MCU.

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