114 Thoughts About The Avengers

114 Thoughts About The Avengers

The Avengers is one of my favorite movies of all times. I'm not just saying favorite summer blockbusters or favorite superhero movie. FAVORITE OF ALL TIME OF ALL THE MOVIES OF EVERYTHING. I'll be sharing a post about some of the other movies that are on that vaunted list in the not too distance future. But for now I'm sharing the list of the 114 thoughts I had while watching The Avengers for the umpteenth time. #MarvelMarathon continues!

  1. Avengers is one of my most watched movies of all time. And I will never get tired of it.
  2. God they really have been setting up everything for such a long time.
  3. Coulson, why are you wearing sunglasses at night?
  4. Maria Hill, you need your own movie!
  5. Don’t poke it. Bad idea scientist guy.
  6. Gamma Radiation is very dangerous. I still don’t know if it does what they say or even really exist.
  7. Loki, you weren’t lost in the nothingness of space. Great because this is your time to shine as one of the best villians!
  8. I discovered in my extensive Avengers research that the eye change business was something of an afterthought because they didn’t want people to think that Hawkeye was evil.
  9. The Loki/Fury interchange is another favorite scene.
  10. I really like the energy fluctuation effects in these movies.
  11. I hope the helicopter pilot is ok.
  12. A Level 7!! I want to know all the levels.
  13. Fancy paintings and guns, the best smuggling stuff.
  14. Coulson is no nonsense.
  15. Another great scene where Natasha kicks all of the ass while Coulson is on hold.
  16. Ok, Bruce Banner has gone to another place where there are lots of flimsily built buildings and high popular density. Will he ever learn?
  17. At least Natasha has some sense.
  18. Oh the world security council, biggest group of stupids.
  19. Phase 2. What is Phase 2?
  20. They are not freaks, you jerk.
  21. So let’s find the ultimate soldier.
  22. NOT THIS SCENE AGAIN! The feels.
  23. Did they really not do anything with the Tesseract for 70 yrs?
  24. $10-- that comes back
  25. Robert Downey Jr. spends so much of his time acting in the suit.
  26. Pepper’s casual wear is kind of unusual.
  27. Phil knows his way around.
  28. I really want those Stark virtual screens.
  29. The cellist in Portland. That’s a thing.  I LOVE THE CONTINUITY!
  30. Again, what about the Vita Rays! What’s with the Gamma Ray obsession.
  31. Oh Phil, you so awks. I love that you have your own series.
  32. Where is this secret laboratory? In the subway?
  33. There should be a show called the Enemies of SHIELD
  34. I feel like Loki has more stuff to share about Thanos. Somebody needs to have a convo with him. Just a suggestion.
  35. Thoughts when I first saw this. Oh, man that’s a really cool aircraft carrier.
  36. Oh it’s a submarine. that’s cool.
  37. Oh shit, it flies.
  38. Banner always looking shift.
  39. Why are the ladies wearing skirts. Except Maria Hill isn’t. Let’s be gender neutral. SHIELD agents need to move.
  40. There’s the $10. LOLZ
  41. It’s these tiny interstitial moments (like the Coulson/Cap card discussion) that make this such a special movie.
  43. That horse has Loki horns.
  44. That was great timing. The shift in music intensity when Loki appeared.
  45. Loki, you are such a drama queen.
  46. This is another favorite scene, where the old man stands up to Loki and Cap saves him. Cap saves a German guy.
  47. Iron Man, another guy who has a flair for the dramatic.
  48. That was WAY TOO EASY FOLKS.
  49. Another theme in these movies-- Fury’s secret keeping. What will come of it?
  50. Captain America doesn’t usually wear a parachute. Why now?
  51. I think Loki has an inaccurate view of what happened in the past. The betrayal he feels has twisted his mind. Also he let go of Thor’s hand.
  52. Also, why does he think he should have been king. He’s younger.
  53. I never heard that line about needing the Tesseract to get home again.
  54. And this is an obvious Loki trick because he doesn’t run!
  55. Stop fighting guys. You’re on the same side.
  56. That Loki smirk. It’s the best type of smirk.
  57. Almost all of the Avengers there together.
  58. I never really paid attention to the science. But it did make sense.
  60. He was playing Galaga.
  61. Nick Fury always has secrets.
  62. Really, you are all right.
  63. There are no spangles on his outfit.
  64. Another Favorite Scene: Black Widow vs. Loki
  65. I really want to see how Black Widow and Hawkeye met.
  66. That is great cinematography. focusing on her face and having Loki’s distorted reflection move in.
  67. Oh, so that’s why they didn’t focus on the Tesseract.
  68. Stark just spent two movies talking about how he was a deterrent.
  69. When I first saw this movie I thought, oh hey that staff is messing with their mind. No one agreed with me. I still think I’m right.
  71. This whole action sequence of trying to save the ship and not get killed by the hulk is a thrilling favorite. Although I feel like I’ve said that about most of this movie.
  73. And still somehow I love Loki, despite the fact that he killed Coulson.
  74. Great face action Robert.
  75. Fury is about to make a very bad decision about Coulson. An interesting decision, but perhaps not the but.
  76. Fury also made the decision to ruin his trading cards.
  77. This is when they become the Avengers.
  78. I want to make my own Mjolnir. But am I worthy?
  79. Oh there certainly is a we. Don’t you worry.
  80. Are there Black Widow comics? I really want to read them. Strike that. I want to read all of this stuff.
  81. Sometimes I think Tony’s beard looks ridiculous.
  82. Of course Tony understands Loki. You are two sides of the same coin. And there it is.
  83. The Suiting Up scene. ANOTHER GREAT ONE.
  84. I really love that shot looking up through the glass floor.
  85. I get so much vertigo from Tony’s apartment. Isn’t that weird.
  86. Tony’s given up on the green juice.
  87. Loki is just insecure. That’s the problem.
  88. Oh it’s Ashley Johnson!
  89. Like always I’m just getting lost in the magnificence of the climactic battle sequence.
  90. I don’t understand how all these creatures live in the vacuum of space.
  91. Tom Hiddleston is so good because you can always see the fear, bravado, rage, and feeling of conflictedness in his face.
  92. Putt-putt-putt
  93. I’m Always Angry and Avengers Assemble-- definitely my favorite moments in the movie. As they are meant to be.
  94. That stupid council is going to do something stupid aren’t they.
  95. All the Avengers have such good timing. Add that to their list of superpowers.
  96. Stop it Council, just stop it. You don’t understand. Nuclear strikes never work. Haven’t you seen Independence Day.
  97. You deserved that Loki, my friend.
  98. That groaning whimper, tho.
  99. Tesseract energy, sceptre energy, same thing, i wonder…
  100. 100 thoughts and going strong. I LOVE THIS MOVIE.
  101. The use of slow-mo in action movies is just so epic.
  102. Make that 2 rogue birds. Damn you security council, just fucking everything up.
  103. Pilot-- don’t you have any reservations about nuking MANHATTAN??????
  104. Why isn’t Jarvis wired into that plane?
  105. Why do all of Iron Man’s systems fail when he goes through the quantum entanglement bridge???
  106. Going somewhere Loki? Nope. Definitely nope.
  107. No drinks for you!
  108. That was definitely Mr. Walsh from Beverly Hills, 90210
  109. Oh stop it Council, you almost ruined the world.
  110. Yes, Robyn Sparkles, because we’ll need them to.
  111. Pepper, you should really be wearing shoes in a construction area.
  112. Great work, Joss.
  113. Stinger1: Thanos, why you have to be so evil?
  114. Stinger2: tasty, tasty shawarma.

Interested in hearing more about my Marvel Movie thoughts. Here they are:

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