78 Thoughts About Captain America: The Winter Soldier

78 Thoughts About Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This is my favorite of the Phase 2 set of Marvel movies. It is a joy that I get to see it again as part of this challenge. HUZZAH! I'm definitely going to try to figure out why I loved it so much. So here we go with Captain America: The Winter Soldier!

  1. These movies make me want to be a better me. These dawn runs especially make me want to wake up earlier. I do like sleep a lot too.
  2. I paused to read the list. It contains: I Love Lucy (television), Moon Landing, Berlin Wall (Up + Down), Steve Jobs (Apple), Disco, Thai Food, Star Wars/Trek, Nirvana (band), Rocky (Rocky II?).
  3. Am I crazy to say that that shirt is weirdly too tight on Cap? I might be crazy
  4. Natasha’s hair is STRAIGHT. I liked it curly.
  5. SITWELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! (shakes fist at sky)
  6. That no parachute reaction is the same as my own. Every time.
  7. The multi-tasking banter is one of the key things that elevates this movie. It is serious, but they are still people. Occasionally snarky people.
  8. Don’t wait two minutes. Kill Sitwell now!
  9. No one else ever tries to grab Cap’s shield. It’s not like Thor’s Hammer
  10. Awww he’s serious. He took off his helmet. I told you guys back in the first one! That’s how you can tell he means business.
  11. Cap, I know you don’t like secrets, but intel is important.
  12. TRISKELION’s corner office is seriously a corner office.
  13. He doesn’t know all the secrets. And that’s the problem.
  14. So we thought Level 6 was the highest. Fury is Level 10. Cap is Level 8. Oh the possibilities!!!!!
  15. Has anyone noticed that the sound mix in Blurays are off. The music is always too loud. The dialogue is too low.
  16. Remember when Stark was stuck in that language. That was quite a thing.
  17. This conflict between keeping the world safe and making sure that the world is a place you want to live in and people have the freedom that deserve is quite a deep well to draw from. And I love that it is a theme that has repeated in all (to the best of my recollection) of the Marvel movies I’ve seen. It’s so appropriate with what our own world is confronting right now too. Superhero movies, more than a rolicking good time.
  18. Did he really grow that much???? So #cray.
  19. The Smithsonian Visit is a beautifully constructed sequence. What a crazy thought, to visit a museum exhibit about your own life. So creative and so emotional.
  20. WHO DID PEGGY MARRY???????
  21. I still don’t understand how Fury was locked out of his own records by himself.
  22. Why would you want Tony Stark to meet your niece. That is just a bad idea.
  23. Do we know much about Captain outside of his desire to do good? I want to know about his hobbies, his favorite movies, etc., etc., etc.
  24. I remember being on the edge of my seat during the whole attack on Fury when I saw this movie in theaters. I had no idea what would happen next. I feel exactly the same way now even though I do know what will happen.
  25. And then you think it’s over and then the Winter Soldier shows up. This whole movie just surprised me.
  26. Captain America, you should really be wearing a helmet. Even if you can’t get hurt, you should be setting an example for the impressionable youth.
  27. Those scrubs need to be washed at the hospital. You are risking EVERYTHING.
  28. An insight into Cap on his bookshelf: http://apartyoflovers.tumblr.com/post/93707964499/from-the-bookshelf-of-steve-rogers
  29. You should have known he’s not dead. They don’t give up that quickly. Especially on the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  30. You know Hammer had a three-piece suit. Pierce has a three-piece suit. JUST SAYING. Watch people with three-piece suits in these movies.
  31. I agree, they are all acting suspicious.
  32. Great and creative fight because it’s in an ELEVATOR. Who does that?
  34. You are falling victim to his evil plans.
  35. DC Pierson!
  36. Worst henchmen EVER.
  37. Natasha has pink laces. I like her even more now.
  38. CAMP LEHIGH! I told it would be back.
  39. Just a tiny taste of the beginning of S.H.I.E.L.D. I want more!
  40. Ye Olde Webcam
  41. Zola. You need an upgrade.
  42. The Return of Hydra was a shocking and unexpected turn of events for me. Sometimes I am glad that I never read Avengers comic books. But that’s something I definitely need to do.
  43. Did they really kill Zola. He must have a backup somewhere.
  44. Even though I never read the comic books. I knew that was Bucky.
  45. Falcon, you should really keep those condiments in your fridge.
  46. See now that shirt is the right kind of tight, Chris. (SWOON)
  47. Falcon is great. More Falcon! More flying!
  48. Stern and Sitwell. These two are the real villains of these movies.
  49. Black Widow has a little arrow necklace. Is that because Hawkeye is here bestie?
  50. I understand what Zola said about people needing to ask to be subjugated. But I think that killing millions of people at a time makes that a moot point. All that planning for naught, guys.  Or are you quickly going to kill everyone who would rise up against you. What a quandry.
  51. The sudden, but inevitable demise of Agent Sitwell.
  52. If DC traffic wasn’t bad enough already…
  53. Is his arm made of vibranium?
  54. Have I already said how much I want a Maria Hill Show too?
  55. Really you would just kill them like that?
  56. I guess I was wrong way back during Captain America when I wondered if Hydra was using the antiques shop to fix Bucky. Obvs not because they are in DC now, not Brooklyn. And that’s a bank. Silly Daphne!
  57. Poor Bucky. My heart breaks for you.
  58. You can now put Pierce on that real villains list.
  59. It just occurred to me that the first Phase of the MCU movies were all about threats from outside. And the second phase has been about the heroes fight threats that were created because they were imperfect and trying to prevent further threats from outside. In the immortal word of Neo, “Whoa!”
  60. Captain’s Orders!!!! (P.S. That guy shows up in Avengers: Age of Ultron)
  61. THINK OF ALL THE FISH!!?!?!?!??!
  62. Agent 33 would be jealous.
  63. Those Quinn Jets are surprisingly maneuverable.
  64. Yup. Not Dead Yet.
  65. Clipped his wings. :(
  66. That’s a delicate piece of technology. I find it hard to believe that is surviving that kind of falling and manhandling.
  67. I forgot that he got shot so much in this movie. Not shot at all before. But shot a million times just now.
  68. Tony’s Targeted. NOOOO!
  69. I really think they should have flown the ships away and then destroyed them. It’s pretty destructive this way.
  70. The end of S.H.I.E.L.D. or is it? Let’s all watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to find out….
  71. In so many ways this is a fresh start.
  72. Ezekiel… Pulp Fiction LOLZ
  73. Of course he is? But will that happen in the next Captain America? It doesn’t seem like it would be part of the Civil War story. But what do I know.
  74. I do know that I started too many of these sentences with the word “but.” I know it’s wrong, but it just works for me sometimes. Oh well!
  75. STINGER1: These two look familiar….
  76. Oh shit, it’s the sceptre.
  77. Oh shit, it’s the twins. AVENGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  78. STINGER 2: There’s hope for Bucky yet.

There only one more movie left in the marathon. Bittersweet Symphony Landslide...

Here's what I thought during the other movies.

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