49 Thoughts About Captain America: The First Avenger

49 Thoughts About Captain America: The First Avenger

It's kind of amazing all the things you think about when watching all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in chronological orders. Here's what I thought about Captain America: The First Avenger

  1. Henry Kaminsky. That name sounds familiar. Is he important?

  2. Why didn’t Asgard come for the Tesseract in the 1940s?

  3. Oh Camp Lehigh! You will return!

  4. Best Part of this movie: Why me? The scene before the test with Cap and the Doc

  5. Brooklyn Antiques looks like it may be the same place we saw in the Winter Soldier. CHECK IT OUT!

  6. What are vita rays?

  7. Oh that Captain America music. It’s so good!

  8. Whatever happened to Senator Brandt?

  9. Good shot, Peggy!

  10. The only yellow cab in Brooklyn.

  11. Chris Evans makes manpris look good.

  12. Go get ‘em--- I can swim! Great line from a great kid

  13. Remember the time that Captain America caught up to a sub and punched it open?

  14. Zola looks super depressed… but he’s soooo evil I can’ t feel bad.

  15. It’s been years! Why can’t they replicate the Erskine formula? Or have they? I’m sure I find out during this marathon!

  16. Meta Captain America Comics.

  17. I can never get a handle on Cap’s powers. Is he really strong enough to lift those ladies on a motorcycle?

  18. The 107th. WILL THEY RETURN?

  19. Stop being so dismissive Tommy Lee Jones.

  20. The best damn chorus girl there ever was.

  21. What rank is Agent? Lolz

  22. The 107th are amazing. How did they EVER get caught in the first place.

  23. Bucky, what have they done to you?

  24. Steve and Buck BFFles for life. And it’s so adorable.

  25. Schmidt had the original Zayn Malik haircut

  26. “Not a scratch, Doktor.” Red Skull’s got jokes.

  27. That’s the sound of comeuppance, Tommy Lee Jones.

  28. Also how did the aerial reconnaissance miss that giant group of men and vehicles.

  29. “Let’s hear it for Captain America.” That line would have been so much more corny without that music behind it.

  30. Boo! Peggy and Steve are meant for each other. Stick to Tommen!

  31. Stark and Cap should have a relationship advice show.

  32. Tommy Lee Jones knows how to spot love.

  33. So sad. Bucky’s last stand.

  34. Cap’s helmet must be useless because he is always whipping it off when things get serious.

  35. This is just about as maniacal as you get.

  36. At this point I got too into the action to have any thoughts other than THIS IS GREAT.

  37. Oh snap, they got your car Red Skull.

  38. Oh snap, they almost drove your car off a cliff, Red Skull.

  39. What a convenient opening!

  40. I know Red Skull hasn't come back yet, but I can’t help but think we’ll see him again.

  41. See the mask is off again!

  42. One of my other favorite scene’s. Cap’s sacrifice.

  43. “I’m going to need a rain check on that dance.” “Don’t you dare be late.” “Steve…”

  44. Howard Stark is noble when he needs to be.

  45. SHIELD put so much into this ruse. Except for getting a game from the right time.

  46. NICK FURY!

  47. Joe Johnston - how can the same person direct captain america, honey I shrunk the kids, and Jurassic Park 3?

  48. I’m surprised that Tommy Lee Jones didn't get an And or a With instead of 4th billing.

  49. Stinger - Isn’t that in the Avengers movie? We’ll seeeee. Was this just before we did the whole stinger thing? Because I don’t remember this.

Check out what I thought about the rest of the movies.

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